chill n. 1.冷,寒冷,发冷;冷却;冷冻;【冶金】冷模,冷铸。 2.冷淡;薄情。 3.扫兴;沮丧,寒心。 a chill in the air 恶冷,透骨的冷。 cast a chill over 使扫兴,泼冷水。 catch a chill 受寒,发冷。 chills and fever 〔美方〕间歇热,疟疾,打摆子。 feel [have] a chill 打冷颤,发冷。 take a chill 受寒,发冷。 take the chill off 热一热,烫一烫(酒等)。 adj. 1.〔书面语〕冷,寒。 2.冷淡的,薄情的;隔膜的;冷酷的;扫兴的,使…寒心的。 vt. 1.使变冷;使感觉冷;冰冻(食物);冷却,冷藏。 2.使扫兴,使寒心。 3.【冶金】冷铸,冷淬。 4.〔口语〕把(酒等)温一下,热一下。 vi. 冷却,变冷;发冷。 adv. -ingly
become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again." 同义词:calm, calm down, cool off, simmer down, settle down, cool it,
Chill Out is the third studio album by The KLF, and the first album under the name, released in February 1990. An ambient house concept album, it portrays a mythical night-time journey up the U.
chill outとは意味:{句動-1} : 〈主に米俗〉冷静になる、落ち着く◆【類】chill ; take a chill pill ; hang loose ; be mellow ; relax Chill out! 落ち着け! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : 〈米俗〉(...